The funfair and garage sale: a great success!

 Despite the capricious weather, which forced the organizing committee to postpone the event until Sunday May 19, young and old alike enjoyed the fine weather and the many attractions. This double event attracted hundreds of people and brought a real buzz to our neighborhood. Your messages on social networks testify to the general enthusiasm.

The garage sale was a real success. With more than 80 tables set up in the Parc du Plateau, residents took advantage of the opportunity not only to make great bargains, but also to exchange great anecdotes related to their items.

At the same time, the funfair was in full swing, offering a variety of attractions for all ages. Children enjoyed inflatables, games of skill, face painting and cotton candy. For the grown-ups, several partners were on hand to exchange plants, repair and donate bicycles, and provide information on various services and upcoming events. Two restaurateurs, Épicerie Poûkham and Restaurant Arepas la Ricura, as well as the scouts with their delicious pastries, were also on hand to delight visitors' taste buds.

We mustn't forget the many shows with Zumba with Johanne, the Colombian Heritage group, Junkyard Symphony and our one-man show Rockabilly Joe.

Our thanks : 

The association of the residents of the Plateau would like to extend its warmest thanks to all the volunteers, participants and visitors who contributed to the success of this event. Many thanks to our many sponsors and partners** for their financial and logistical support, and for the presence of our municipal representatives to answer questions from the public. We would also like to express our special gratitude to the residents who spontaneously decided to help out during the event.

In conclusion, this edition of the funfair and garage sale was a resounding success, despite the weather challenges. Some of the unsold goods from the garage sale were recovered by 3R Québec. The funds raised will be reinvested in community projects to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood, as well as to support the Plateau Karate Club as it prepares for an international competition in Japan in 2025.

See you next year for a new edition! And if you'd like to contribute to the life of your neighborhood by getting involved in great events like this, don't hesitate to contact us!

Your funfair and garage sale organizing committee

We would like to thank all our sponsors and partners of the day:

Mr. Greg Fergus, Ms. Suzanne Tremblay, Ms. Sophie Chatel, Ms. Bettyna Bélizaire, Ms. Anik Des Marais, Ville de Gatineau, Aléo, National Bank, Vidéotron, McDonald's, Rack à bécik, Horticité, 3R Québec, the Serge-Bertrand Community Garden Committee and the PEI program at École secondaire de l'Île.