

Opportunities for volunteering abound at the ARP! You can get involved within the board of directors, in one or more of the committees or as an occasional volunteer during activities. Everyone can therefore find a shoe that suits them.

If you are interested in getting involved in your community and you have some free time to devote to us, learn more about volunteer opportunities by browsing the fact sheets below. Whatever the level of involvement that interests you, we encourage you to fill out the form at the bottom of this page, as well as to register on the list of occasional volunteers. This will allow you to receive information by email from time to time about the volunteer opportunities we have.

What are the volunteer opportunities?
  • Is elected at the annual general meeting which takes place in March
  • Meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month, all year round
  • Each board member is responsible for at least one activity or committee
  • Is automatically managed by the treasurer of the association
  • Support the treasurer in his tasks (data entry, bookkeeping, etc.)
  • Improve accounting procedures, according to the evolution of the association
  • Sets up tools, in connection with the treasury, which facilitate the work of volunteers
  • Manages the website, Facebook and Instagram page and newsletters
  • Manages communications with the public via social networks
  • Responsible for the creation of various promotional tools (business cards, pamphlets, flags, T-shirts, etc.)
  • Support the activity committees in their promotional tasks
  • Prepares job offers for the association
  • Executes the hiring process
  • Support the population of the neighborhood by liaising with organizations in the region
  • Coordinates activities aimed at food security, housing security, literacy, dependency, etc.
  • Sees to the maintenance and improvement of the environment of the Plateau
  • Makes recommendations on environmental projects
  • Organizes awareness-raising activities related to environmental issues (greening, collection of electronics, styrofoam, the bike paths, clothing exchange, etc.)
  • Participates in public consultations and other activities of community partners related to the environment
  • Is a member of the community garden in the Plateau
  • Establishes a budget and requests sponsorships
  • Organizes registrations for the garden and ensures compliance with its rules
  • Implements garden improvement projects
  • Creates programming for members of the garden during the summer season, and activities for people in the neighborhood
  • Presents an activity report when requested to do so by the Board of Directors
  • Is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors
  • Takes care of studying urban planning issues such as: zoning change, public transport, urban development (library, schools, parks, green spaces, bike paths, etc.)
  • Sees to the maintenance and improvement of our quality of life in the Plateau
  • Is a partner in discussions between citizens, the city, the municipal councilor and developers
  • Participates in public consultations and other activities of community partners related to urban planning
  • Organizes activities related to reading, digital tools, visual art, board games, etc.
  • Organizes meetings at the community center, in a library room, or even virtual meetings for some of its activities
  • Organizes sales or exchanges of used books in the neighborhood
  • Supports the development of house boxes (street libraries) to share used books in the neighborhood
  • Participates in meetings of the committee made up of library representatives (as needed or 3 to 4 times a year)
  • Is made up of a variable number of people, members of the Board or not
  • Establishes a budget and requests sponsorships
  • Signs contracts relating to the activity (except cheques)
  • Finds volunteers for the organizing committee and volunteers for the day of the activity, with the support of the person in charge of volunteers
  • Books all the equipment and services useful for the activities
  • Creates programming for animation
  • Plans all the logistics necessary for the smooth running of the activities
  • Supports sponsored activities with room reservations, purchase of equipment, financing of training, etc.
  • Presents a detailed written report of each activity when requested to do so by the Board
  • Shows interest in helping out on the day of one or more activities of their choice
  • Signs up to receive volunteer offers by email with the form at the bottom of this page
  • Is not required to attend any meetings of the above committees, but is always welcome!
I communicate my preferences

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

    Last Name (*)

    First name (*)

    Email (*)


    What volunteer opportunities are you interested in?
    Board of Directors
    Accounting committee
    Communication committee
    Human resources committee
    Aid committee
    Environment committee
    Garden committee
    Urban planning committee
    Library committee
    Activities committee
    Occasional Volunteering

    If you checked "The activities committee", which activity(ies) are you interested in?
    Funfair - Garage Sales
    Classic Tuesday
    Corn Roast
    Sharing party
    Winter program

    How did you hear about our association?
    Through Facebook
    Through Instagram
    By Word of mouth
    While searching Internet
    While participating in an activity

    If you have questions or comments to make, or ideas to share, do it here!