In collaboration with Héma-Québec and Église chrétienne du Plateau, we are offering two blood donation clinics per year.
Héma-Québec has been pursuing the goal of convincing 7,000 people in Québec to donate blood for the first time. The challenge is well underway, but it is important to stick together to keep our collective blood supply afloat. In this sense, each person who breaks the ice and makes an appointment plays a decisive role. If you are afraid of the needle, know that the people on site are qualified to supervise this experience. They will reassure you, and you will feel the great pride of having given!
In order to avoid line ups and respect your busy schedule, we have set up an appointment system. This approach, adopted due to the pandemic, makes the experience of donating blood even easier for everyone. To make an appointment before going for a blood drive, you can do it easily online: www.hema-quebec.qc.ca/trois-facons-simples.fr.html or by phone at 1 800 343-7264 (BLOOD).
Want to check if you can donate?
Before going to a blood drive, it is always possible to check your eligibility with Customer Service Donors at 1 800 847-2525 or to consult Héma-Québec's website at www.hema-quebec.qc.ca, Blood Donors > section >Can I donate?
About Héma-Québec
Héma-Québec's mission is to efficiently meet the needs of the Québec population for quality blood and other biological products of human origin. Héma-Québec has more than 1,500 employees, more than 200,000 donors of blood, stem cells, breast milk and human tissue, in addition to thousands of volunteers at blood collection sites. Every year, Héma-Québec delivers close to 800,000 biological products of human origin to Québec hospitals to meet the needs of patients.
Donate blood. Give life.
Josée Larivée | Patrice Lavoie
Media Line | 514 832-0871
P.S. If you want to join the volunteer team and offer 1 or 2 days of your time, do not hesitate to contact our Aid Committee at [email protected].