The ARP: 30 years of cultural commitment in the Plateau

July 20, 1969 became a memorable date for humanity as it witnessed the first man walking on the moon: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." On a smaller scale, July 20, 1994 also became a memorable date for the ARP, marking its accreditation as a non-profit organization in the Recreation Clubs category in the Quebec business registry: "A small step for a neighborhood association, but a giant leap for the community it serves," considering the progress made over 30 years and the extent of service development it offers to the Plateau.

For this seventh commemorative article of ARP's 30 years, I will focus on two cultural activities, one from the past and one still ongoing, among all those offered.

The first is the Outdoor Cinema. Initiated early in the second half of the 1990s, this event is held at Parc du Méridien, in the evening, in August when the days are getting shorter, around 8:30 PM. It involves the projection of a family film on a giant screen (specifically, a wooden structure of about 4 by 5.5 meters set up by the City). The Board of Directors, upon Bernard Breton's suggestion, chooses the film to be screened, and the latter takes care of bringing the 16mm reel from Montreal and finding the appropriate projector.

There is no admission fee, and soft drinks, chips, and of course the classic popcorn are offered for the modest cost of $1 per item. Families gather, bring their lawn chairs, and spend a wonderful evening under the stars.

The second activity came to life 24 years ago, namely the Mardis classiques, now known as Mardis musicaux. Proposed in 1999 also by Bernard Breton when several founding members decided to pass the torch, this innovative activity began in the summer of 2001. In July and August, in the evening, it offers 4 outdoor concerts. Admission is free, and participants only need to bring their chair to appreciate, lulled by a gentle breeze, the performances of known or emerging musicians. The City, as a partner, builds a stage when needed. And the contribution of sponsors is used to pay the musicians.

Enjoy the Mardis musicaux!

Marc Jacques Girard

Co-founding President of the ARP


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