Styrofoam collection is back!

Styrofoam collection is back!

Big Styrofoam Collection on October 5th!

Join our eco-friendly initiative by responsibly disposing of your styrofoam!

How to participate?

  1. Drop off your styrofoam: Sign up to drop off your bag of styrofoam at a collection point near you.
  2. Volunteer at the eco-center: Help us sort and prepare the styrofoam for recycling.
  3. Become a drop-off point: Turn your home or business into a collection point for your community.

Why recycle styrofoam?

Styrofoam can take up to 500 years to decompose in nature. By recycling it, we significantly reduce our environmental impact.

How to register?

Register now

Click the button above to access the registration form and choose your mode of participation.

Remember: every small gesture counts. Join us on October 5th for a greener future!