Blood drive at Église Chrétienne du Plateau

Blood drive at Église Chrétienne du Plateau

Summer is approaching, and the demand for blood products remains constant. Héma-Québec reminds us of the importance of maintaining an optimal blood reserve for patients in Quebec. We invite you to participate in our summer blood drive to make a real difference.

The blood drive will be held on Monday, June 10, from 1:30 PM to 7:30 PM, at the Plateau Christian Church (Main Hall), located at 118, Boulevard du Plateau, Gatineau. We aim to welcome 60 donors for this crucial event. Whether you are a regular donor or this is your first time, we encourage you to participate. Make an appointment now and invite your friends and family to do the same. Every donation counts and helps save lives.

Anyone wishing to donate is invited to make an appointment before attending. It's easy to do online through the JeDonne app:

Together, let's help Héma-Québec meet the daily needs of hospitals and continue its mission. Your generosity makes a difference. Thank you for your support!