Big cleanup 2025

Big cleanup 2025

Every spring for several years, hundreds of residents participate in cleaning up the streets, parks, streams, and bike paths to collect the waste accumulated over the winter. This huge collective effort highlights the importance of the environment in the eyes of Plateau residents.

The big cleanup working group is now preparing for the 2025 edition. With the significant snow accumulation this year, it may remain on the ground longer until the end of April. The planned dates for the event are from April 26 to May 10, 2025. Registration will open at the end of March, and further details will be shared.

An official launch will take place on April 26 to kick off the return of the beautiful weather! This event will include a collective cleaning commonly known as a blitz.

New for 2025 - Blitz in Areas in Need!

This year, the big cleanup group will organize 3 events to carry out collective cleaning in areas with significant need. These areas are specifically chosen because they are particularly dirty. Before-and-after photos will be taken and published on social media.

The blitz dates are Sunday, April 27, Saturday, May 3, and May 10. You can register for the blitz through the big cleanup registration platform. More details about the big cleanup will be available in the April newsletter. You can also stay updated by following ARP's social media for more information in the meantime.

New for 2025 - Postal Boxes and Waste Piles

The piles of waste resulting from mail in postal boxes are a recurring issue often reported by residents in the neighborhood. This year, the big cleanup group will focus on this issue by raising awareness about what individuals can do on their own. Many have already installed recycling bins near the boxes and have taken the initiative to empty them each week. This is a great initiative!

Did you know it is possible to stop receiving advertisements in your mailbox? If you want to stop receiving unaddressed advertising mail, you can stick a note inside the compartment near the edge that says: "I no longer wish to receive unaddressed advertising mail." For more information, you can visit Canada Post's website: Stop receiving unaddressed advertising | Canada Post

The big cleanup group is also exploring the option of producing stickers that will be distributed to those who request them at the launch on April 26. If you'd like a sticker, you can email [email protected] with your full name, phone number, and address. A list of interested individuals will be created for the next steps.

Thank you for reading!
The Big Cleanup Group, Environmental Committee