ARP proposes a Vanier-Allumettières pedestrian bridge

In July, the Association des résidents du Plateau sent a request to City Councillors Anik Des Marais, Bettyna Belizaire and Caroline Murray (the three councillors who border the area) to express our interest in seeing improvements made to the intersection of Chemin Vanier and Boulevard des Allumettières to facilitate cycling and walking.

With the increase in traffic and the addition of several residential and commercial buildings, the intersection has become a critical point for vehicular traffic and poses a risk to pedestrians and cyclists who regularly cross this area. Planning the expansion of Chemin Vanier is the perfect opportunity to improve the situation.

Intersection of Chemin Vanier and Boulevard des Allumettières

The construction of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the intersection of chemin Vanier and boulevard des Allumettières (similar to the one between boulevard des Grives and boulevard des Allumettières) would be an essential measure to ensure the safe and fluid movement of active transportation. Such a bridge would not only effectively separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows. It would also facilitate the link between the businesses to the south and north of boulevard des Allumettières, and access to the Pionniers multifunction trail.

Pedestrian bridge over boulevard des Grives and boulevard des Allumettières

We understand that the realization of such a project requires considerable financial and logistical resources on the part of the municipality. However, we firmly believe that the benefits in terms of safety and quality of life for our residents fully justify this investment.

Let us know your views on the subject, and speak with Councillor Anik Des Marais, Bettyna Belizaire and Caroline Murray if you are interested in this improvement for the neighborhood.

Felix Moore

ARP Urban Planning Committee