Set up in 1995 by Centraide Outaouais as part of its Back to School program, sharing stores -magasins-partage - provide a respectful and dignified back-to-school shopping experience for low-income families in the Outaouais region. Parents can buy school supplies for their elementary school children very affordably, with a 75% discount off the full retail price.
Every family can choose in accordance with their children's needs and preferences. Since the parents contribute to the costs when they make their purchases, they are active partners in an initiative that emphasizes solidarity and mutual assistance.
In addition to easing the financial burden on families, sharing stores promote better integration into the school community for children from modest backgrounds. With a brand-new bag full of the latest must-have school supplies, the children can't wait to start school!
Every year, the Back to School program helps more than 2,000 children in the Outaouais region.
Since it was set up, 46,957 children from 22,000 families have benefited from the program within the area served by Centraide Outaouais, which takes in the city of Gatineau and the Pontiac, Papineau and Des Collines RCMs.
The Helpers
The program is made possible through financial support from Centraide Outaouais and the cooperation of some thirty partners that include the "helper" agencies, local school boards, institutional partners and numerous volunteers.
When is it happening?
This event takes place once a year. Registration takes place in June and July and distribution takes place in August.
P.S. By the same token, we also invite parents to get involved in the project, by being volunteers. If you would like to join the team of volunteers and offer a few hours once a year to this cause, do not hesitate to contact our self-help committee at the [email protected].